Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wisdom Condensed

Recently while on the road, I passed a sign pointing toward the Diamond, Missouri birthplace of George Washington Carver.
I remember learning about him in grade school, mostly  that he developed 100 uses for a peanut and was the child of slaves. 
Since becoming a serious gardener, my curiosity about his life is much better than when I was 9, and now we have wikipedia, so I looked him up.  I found that he was a pioneer in the field of sustainable agriculture, and he wrote this:

* Be clean, both inside and out. 
* Neither look up to the rich, nor down on the poor.
* Lose, if need be, without squealing.
* Win with out bragging.
* Always be considerate to women, children and older people.
* Be too brave to lie.
* Be too generous to cheat.
* Take your share of the world, and let others take theirs.

George Washington Carver  

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