Sunday, March 27, 2016

Feeling the Bern on Equinox 2016

My friend and I arrived at the Bernie Sanders rally in Vancouver, Washington. By 9 am on this cool, rainy spring equinox Sunday morning, hundreds, maybe even a thousand people were already lined up in front of the High School Gymnasium building where Senator Sanders was scheduled to speak at 1 pm.

By 11:00 the line stretched across the football fields and wound along a walkway through the grounds. The end of the line was slowly building down the street as we watched. The rain blew in on a cold bluster, but everyone remained patiently waiting.

I waited in line for the porta-potty for 20 minutes and spoke to the 2 young men in front and behind me in the line. I shared my umbrella as we discussed our country, what we love about it and what is not working. I found them to be extremely well informed on the same issues which concern me. It is a relief to speak to people who share the same values. It is invigorating. Especially because this crowd was not negative and outwardly angry.

I followed another volunteer around carrying her box of flyers. We became friends as the morning wore on and the rain continued to fall.

Why would thousands of people do this? Because they are hungry to hear a politician who speaks to them, not at them.

When Senator Sanders arrived, the overflow crowd on the lawn outside was eagerly waiting to see him, even a glimpse. He gave them better. He got up on a dais and spoke for 10 minutes, even as the main crowd of 5000 awaited him inside the Gym. After he spoke outside, he spoke again to the overflow crowd in the lobby of the gym, and then he went into the main event and gave an inspirational address the the 4000 inside the event, the ones who had waited for many hours.(I heard some people camped overnight).

The citizenry is not merely hungry, we are starving. If we can bring our numbers in, the money of the rich will diminish in importance. Our hunger will then be our asset.