Saturday, August 14, 2010

Will There Ever Be Interest on Savings Accounts Again?

In the very first entry I posted for this blog, 2 long months ago in July, I noted that my themes would sometimes lean toward the political. Tonight, as I write, on this lovely August evening after a 95 degree day here in the Pacific Northwest, which offers the brief other-worldly feeling of living in a different climate zone, (as in the kinds of places one might save for months to reach on a vacation), with only a tiny bit of irony I am involved with a political cause.

Enter The Working Families Party of Oregon, establishing itself as a political party in Oregon since 2006, and now taking off with high hopes into the 2010 Oregon Voters Pamphlet.

Currently, we are stuck with the 2 parties, democrats and  republicans, from which our National elected officials are comprised, mostly millionaires.  This cannot be separated from the facts of our terrible economic situation at the present. When those who own the gold make the rules, it will follow that the rules will favor those who own the gold.

The Oregon Working Families Party currently must gather 5000  Oregon registered voter's signatures to gain ballot access to publish a platform in the next general election Voter's Pamphlet. The OWFP wishes to foster 'fusion' voting, which means they will publicly endorse a candidate based on working people's issues, and not always run an opposition candidate, thereby elevating the level of accountability while not 'spoiling' the 2 party balance.

The OWFP aspires to become the influencing party to hold the main party candidates to values like living wage jobs, affordable college tuition and health care, funding for schools and the arts and a state owned bank to keep our money working for us.

A state owned bank is not a novel, untried concept.  North Dakota has one.  They are funding community programs, and bolstering state coffers at the same time.  We have reached the time to take back our economic fortunes, have we not?

If your interest has been aroused, please visit :

So, what does this have to do with yoga, love and heaven?  Well, wouldn't it be wonderful (heavenly) to have a bank which paid the saver an interest rate... even 3%, and put dollars into the state coffers to offset our taxes to fund the programs we really want... instead of skimming profits into the CEO's multi- million dollar bonuses? Wouldn't it be love to give all kids great programs? Yoga is about health, integrating all the facets of life.  We cannot hold our practice apart from the suffering of others.

We work hard, and we deserve to share in the wealth of our labors and our savings.

Another world is possible. Breathe and read. :) Namaste~

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