Friday, December 16, 2011

Holiday Letter 2011

28 years ago this winter I stood on the banks of the Elwha River, watching the waters rush along in the hurried mode of high flood, my belly high as well with my Amery. The day after Christmas we celebrate his birth, another wistful winter, to remember other years, and the passage of time.

This has been a year of challenges and good work. Here are a few of the highlights:

*Everyone in my family has good health. It is my intent to remember gratitude for this simple fact. For anyone of my readers who does not have this, my heart goes out to you. We have clean water, fresh food in summer, and good air. It is a gift to live in the fertile hills of Northwest Oregon, where wine and water flow as do the fish in the rivers.

*All my kids live nearby. Arlyn in NW Portland, working at Paley's Place around the corner, teaching at Pacific U and George Fox, Playing with Tacoma Symphony, and working on a secret invention.

* Amery and Kirsten in Sherwood, 14 miles from me. Taking on a new pup pal for Tahoe - Meeka, with all the energy I wish I had. Kirsten, having passed the Oregon Bar exam this summer now practices as an attorney in downtown at Smith Freed. Amery has had the opportunity to work there in marketing, and now is doing part-time consulting in college athletics, and making sure the dogs are walked and dinner is on the table.

*Curtis shares my space at the 'Villa', and makes sure there is lots of firewood and plenty of presto logs, which I appreciate very much tonight. We get to take bargain basement trips about the region...and work in between at our various economic pursuits. The trips are in the older blog posts, as are descriptions of work. I enjoy having his help and companionship with all there is involved in a place like this in the country.

* My Mom and Dad are hanging on in the same house, making their way into an uncertain future, as Mom becomes more disabled from Parkinson's Disease. They are very mentally alert and still totally interested in what everyone is doing. I visit them about once a month to be part of the caregiving team. I am so grateful for the learning experience, and that they are still here with us.

* I have wonderful neighbors, Deanna and Steve, with whom I trade work for garden vegetables and massage. This past year I was part of their garlic cash crop project. From the planting, cultivating, harvesting, drying, cleaning. braiding and selling I found enlightenment. It was the culmination of a dream I've carried for many years. My facebook photo is me at the Beaverton Farmer's Market at the best garlic booth around, Mountain Top Table Lands. (The beautiful little Russian woman who knows garlic through and through came every Saturday, each time with a bigger smile on her face).

There is so much good in life. There is other stuff too, and anyone who knows my politics probably can guess that the world economic situation does not make it easy for me to sleep at night. Inequity abounds in our world, even at Christmas when we spend more money and there are bright lights to make things cheerful. It is a wonderful time for some.
My prayer is that the new year 2012 is not the end of the world, but the end of selfishness, greed, and the trend away from empathy. My prayer is that all of you, the people I love, continue to have good health, continue to be creative, and continue to keep well connected to me.... you make life worth living. Namaste!

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