Friday, November 11, 2011


Leaving Mexico city is an adventure in itself. I hope the binary date is suerte - luck.

Yesterday we marched with the "Indignato" group, indignant that 7 million youth between the ages of 14 and 26 have no employement and no ecucation. They are asking for a mere 2% of The Mexican GDP to be allocated for free public university education.

The winds picked up as we marched down Avenue Chapultapec, closing it to afternoon traffic -5 pm! Many horns answered the march. The rains increased until I thought I was back in Portland. When we finally left the march and gained shelter at the Sanborn's cafe, I was grateful to find a hearty warm vegetable soup, sope de verduras.
Our friend, Almendra, one of the young occupiers and organizers of the march gave us hearty good bye hugs in mid-march. We promised to keep in touch via facebook. What a beautiful young woman, who radiates her ideal... working to better the human condition.

I googled Edur Valesco, the professor who is today on his 31st day of a hunger strike, His story deserves a whole separate blog. He is the inspiration for many of the youth who are living in tents in the center of the Mexican financial district. As I depart, I leave part of my heart with them. No matter how hard life gets, there will always be humans who work for justice, without desire for wealth and comfort. This informs my journey, as it winds back to my wonderful family and the green hills of Chehalem mountain.

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