Wednesday, September 8, 2010

For My Son, After a Job Interview

In case I never said it enough when you were little, or recently-
You are a great son.
When I think of you or speak of you I feel a surge of one of the seven deadly sins (pride)  ... because you are my kid and I've known you forever in my heart, even before you existed.  Since your Dad and I wanted you so much, it goes with out saying that your life should offer you amazing opportunities for happiness, fulfillment, and a contribution to a generally better world. (Yeah, that is me, honoring my own intention!)

I am not just doing the mom thing of going on, I mean this seriously and with every bit of my Mother heart which exists partly outside of myself in you and your brother..  I don't think I ever say enough that you  wonderful... so here I am saying it .  Now it is for you to believe it... no matter what happens in the job market.  Things will jell, they will.  Just keep positive, counting all the good things in your life to keep you afloat.
You chose a partner who is just as good as can be in your life.  Build on all the good...

and then you can tell me the same, cuz I had a down day, second guessing myself.  But I have a 6 am yoga gig tomorrow, and I am going to look them all in the eyes and smile and tell them I'm really happy to be there. Maybe I can pull a few people from the doldrums of a confusing, uncertain world.
And maybe soon, or sometime before the spirit of this land fades to a murmer, the rich leaders will stop the hemorrhaging of our Nations resources into wars and the elements of destruction, and we will have a world to build on.


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